Tuesday 22 May 2012

Know About Skin Cancer Treatment

Discussion of skin cancer is usually divided by far the most dangerous form. The non-melanoma skin cancers include basal cell cancers and squamous cell cancers.

The non-melanoma skin cancer treatment has a high success rate, the skin cancer is detected at an early stage. Australians should regularly check their skin for new growths, any changes in the color, shape or size of existing skin spots. Doctor can also check for skin cancers. History of skin cancer, you should have regular medical checks of the previously treated areas and other areas are susceptible to new cancers.

Diagnosis of skin cancer

Doctor will look at the suspect skin spot and have a skin cancer; doctor will suggest a biopsy to confirm the diagnosis. Biopsy is a quick and relatively simple procedure carried out with a local anesthetic. The surrounding tissue of spot will be removed so it can be tested at a laboratory. Often the whole cancer is removed at this stage, and you may not require further treatment.

You may also need additional tests, such as x-rays, scans and a lymph node biopsy, to show if there has been any spread of the cancer to other parts of the body.

Skin cancer treatment

When doctor planning the treatment, take a number of factors into account.

* the type and size of the cancer;

* where it is situated; and

* whether it has spread to other parts of the body.

When your doctor knows to what stage the cancer has progressed, they can make a decision on the type of treatment required. The treatment often includes some type of surgical procedure or radiation therapy.

Types of non-melanoma skin cancer treatment are surgery and mohs' surgery.


The whole skin cancer is removed only treatment necessary when obtaining a biopsy. However, if the skin cancer is large or spreading, a larger amount of skin may need to be removed and a skin graft may be needed to cover the area.

Mohs' surgery

In mohs' surgery, specialised form of skin cancer surgery and micrographic surgery can be used to remove large, deep or recurring cancers. It is also used for cancers in areas that are difficult to treat surgically. The mohs' surgery process involves methodically removing the visible skin cancer and a thin layer of tissue, staining and cutting the removed tissue into sections and marking on a diagram (mohs' map), then preparing and examining the removed tissue under the microscope to check that the deep roots' of the cancer have been removed and process is going on till the entire skin cancer has been removed.


Cryotherapy technique uses extreme cold to treat pre-cancerous skin conditions. Liquid nitrogen is applied to the tumour to freeze and kill abnormal cells. A small white scar may remain over the treated area.

Curettage and cauterisation

Curettage and cauterisation (diathermy) surgery, the doctor will numb the area with local anaesthetic using a small, sharp, spoon-shaped instrument called a curette, scoop out the diseased area. The doctor will use a diathermy instrument to run an electric current into the area to control bleeding and destroy any remaining cancer cells and technique often leaves a flat, light-coloured scar.

Radiotherapy or radiation therapy

Radiotherapy technique is generally used for hard cancers to treat with surgery on the eyelids or nose. Over several weeks, the treatment uses high-energy x-rays to destroy complete cancer cells. Radiation therapy treatment can make the area red and sore, and can produce changes in skin colour and/or texture in the long term.


In this technique, a drug is applied directly to a pre-cancerous lesion or sunspot in the form of a cream, for example, efudix cream is applied twice every day for several weeks, with the area becoming red, followed by blistering, peeling or cracking.


Imiquimod is a cream that can be used as a treatment for some skin cancers and pre-cancerous lesions. It stimulates the immune system to recognise and destroy cancer cells.

Photodynamic laser therapy

Photodynamic laser therapy is the combined use of laser light and drugs to make the cancer cells sensitive to light so destroyed by follow-up laser treatment. Treatment is suitable for pre-cancerous lesions and some superficial skin cancers.

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Monday 21 May 2012

Screening for Poly-Behavioral Addiction

With the end of the Cold War, the threat of a world nuclear war has diminished considerably. It may be hard to imagine that in the end, comedians may be exploiting the humor in the fact that it wasnt nuclear warheads, but French fries that annihilated the human race, when considering that food addictions and their related diseases now afflict more people globally than malnutrition. The behavioral addiction disorders (e.g., food addictions, pathological gambling, and other obsessively-compulsive behavioral-patterns to religion, and/ or sex / pornography, etc.) are just as damaging, psychologically and socially as alcohol and drug abuse.

On a more serious note, lifestyle diseases and addictions are the leading cause of preventable morbidity and mortality taking more than one million (1,000,000) U.S. lives a year, yet brief preventive behavioral assessments and counseling interventions are under-utilized in health care settings (Whitlock, 2002). The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force concluded that effective behavioral counseling interventions that address personal health practices hold greater promise for improving overall health than many secondary preventive measures, such as routine screening for early disease (USPSTF, 1996). Common health-promoting behaviors include healthy diet, regular physical exercise, smoking cessation, appropriate alcohol/ medication use, and responsible sexual practices to include use of condoms and contraceptives.

Multiple Addictions and Poor Prognosis

Since it is impossible to expect treatment for one addiction to be beneficial when other addictions co-exist, the initial therapeutic intervention for any addiction needs to include an assessment for other addictions. National surveys revealed that a very high correlation exists between substance abuse and behavioral addictions. Repeated failures abound with all of the addictions, even with utilizing the most effective treatment strategies. But why do 47% of patients treated in private addiction treatment programs (for example) relapse within the first year following treatment (Gorski, T., 2001)? Have addiction specialists become conditioned to accept failure as the norm? There are many reasons for this poor prognosis.

Some would proclaim that addictions are psychosomatically- induced and maintained in a semi-balanced force field of driving and restraining multidimensional forces. Others would say that failures are due simply to a lack of self-motivation or will power. Most would agree that lifestyle behavioral addictions are serious health risks that deserve our attention, but could it possibly be that patients with multiple addictions are being under diagnosed (with a single dependence) simply due to a lack of diagnostic tools and resources that are incapable of resolving the complexity of assessing and treating a patient with multiple addictions?

The Addictions Recovery Measurement System (ARMS), along with 350 national organizations and 250 State public health, mental health, substance abuse, and environmental agencies support the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Healthy People 2010 program. This national initiative recommends that primary care clinicians utilize clinical preventive assessments and brief behavioral counseling for early detection, prevention, and treatment of lifestyle disease and addiction indicators for all patients upon every healthcare visit. The ARMS theory proposes a new diagnosis. Poly-behavioral addiction is the synergistically integrated chronic dependence on multiple physiologically addictive substances and behaviors (e.g., using/ abusing substances - nicotine, alcohol, & drugs, and/or acting impulsively or obsessively compulsive in regards to gambling, food binging, sex, and/ or religion, etc.) simultaneously (Slobodzien, J., 2005).

The ARMS prognostication system supports the Five As construct (a model adapted from tobacco cessation interventions) as a brief screening behavioral counseling system. This guideline (Morgan and Fox, 2000) provides different brief interventions for treating patients based on their lifestyle disease indicators and addictive behavior status. Health care providers should:

Ask patients about disease/ addiction health indicators (e.g. if they use tobacco, alcohol, drugs, exercise, diet, gamble, practice risky sexual behaviors, etc.). An office wide system can be implemented to ensure that all patients are queried regarding risky behaviors.

Advise patients to quit--advice should be clear, strong, and personalized.

Assess willingness to make a quit attempt in the next 30 days. Provide a motivational intervention for those unwilling to quit at this time.

Assist patients in their efforts to quit: (1) Patients should set a quit date and remove addictive products (triggers) from their environment. (2) Provide practical counseling. Total abstinence is the key objective. Patients should limit alcohol use and anticipate and plan for challenges and triggers. (3) Offer support and suggest that patients seek support from their friends and family. (4) Recommend appropriate first- or second-line pharmacotherapies.

Arrange follow-up within the first week after the quit date to prevent relapse.

Accurate diagnosis is dependent on a thorough multidimensional assessment process along with the possible help of a multidisciplinary treatment team approach. Behavioral Medicine practitioners have come to realize that although a disorder may be primarily physical or primarily psychological in nature, it is always a disorder of the whole person not just of the body or the mind. The ARMS approach examines the broad bio-psychosocial context of the individual (e.g., biomedical, behavioral, interpersonal, social, cultural, spiritual, and self-regulative factors, etc.), when assessing an individual to determine the presence of a lifestyle addiction. It is concerned with the health choices individuals make as well as modifying and altering unhealthy lifestyles to directly reduce illness and illness behavior that predisposes them to other physical illnesses.

The ARMS battery of dimensional assessment and screening instruments focus on the multidimensional aspects of diagnosis, but continue to promote the standard screening instruments for specific substance abuse addictions (e.g., CAGE, MAST, AUDIT, SASSI, etc.). The ARMS battery can also assist with developing the other four DSM axes of a clinical diagnosis. The Multidimensional Psychosocial Stressors Inventory (MPSI) is utilized to narrow down a list of axis one diagnoses and axis four stressors. The Personality Feature Checklist (PFC) can assist with identifying an individuals personality traits on axis two that may be contributing to his addictive life-style.

The General Health Risk Assessment (GHRA) can assist with identifying physical symptoms and other addictive behaviors to consider alternative axis three diagnoses. The Religious Attitudes Inventory (RAI) can assist with assessing a patients spiritual/ religious life-functioning dimension. The Prognostic Assessment Gauge (PAG) cumulative score can objectively reveal a prognostic level of functioning for axis five. This thorough assessment approach attempts to leave no stone unturned. The following brief screening tool is just one of twelve screening instruments proposed in the Addictions Recovery Measurement System to assist providers with the poly-behavioral addiction assessment process:

Behavior Risk Assessment Screen (BRAS) Fact Sheet

The Behavior Risk Assessment (BRA) is an efficient and effective screening tool used for early detection of unhealthy life-style practices before they manifest themselves as major health problems. It is comprised of the following six screening tools: 1) Substance Intake Screen: (Nicotine, Alcohol, Illegal Drugs), 2) Eating Attitude Screen, 3) Exercise Pattern Screen, 4) Sleep Pattern Screen, 5) Sexual Practice Screen, 6) Gambling Practice Screen, and the 7) Risky Behavior Screen.

Target Population: Adults diagnosed with Alcohol/ Substance Abuse or Dependence Disorders and/ or other behavioral addictions, (e.g., gambling, eating, sex, religious addictions, etc.). For adults in both inpatient and outpatient settings.

Administrative Issues: The BRA has 21 items that an individual can answer within minutes. It is easily scored, and the results can be quickly integrated into the Prognostic Assessment Gauge for a cumulative prognosis score.


Time required: 10 minutes

Scored by Clinician

See scoring guide

Clinical Utility:

In addition to the BRAs effectiveness in initially detecting an individuals risk for potential health, and/ or other addictive problems, it can also be used as an awareness education tool for the prevention of behavioral health problems.

Research Applicability:

The BRAs brevity, ease of administration and scoring, and availability of computer format for data storage and analysis make it highly useful for research applications. Based on independent interviews by a mental health professional, the BRA administered by primary care practitioners demonstrated good accuracy (sensitivity and specificity) for collecting significant clinical history data in a timely manner for prognostic decision-making. Treatment outcome studies are presently in process. Copyright, and Source March 2004 by James Slobodzien, Psy. D. -------------------------------------------------------- Behavior Risk Assessment Screen (BRAS)

Name: _______________________________ Date: _________________

Signature: ___________________________ SSN: _________________

The Behavior Risk Assessment Screen is comprised of the following seven screening scales:

A. Substance Intake Screen

B. Eating Attitude Screen

C. Exercise Pattern Screen

D. Sleep Pattern Screen

E. Sexual Practice Screen

F. Gambling Practice Screen

G. Risky Behavior Screen


Following are groups of statements that are numbered and weighted - 10, 20, or 30. Please read each group of statements carefully. Then pick out the one statement in each group that is most true for you, and circle the number beside the statement that you pick. NOTE: Be sure to read all the statements in each group, and circle just one number beside the statements that you pick.

A. Substance Intake Screen: Score = ___

(Total Nicotine, Alcohol, Illicit drugs & Caffeine Scores and divide

by 4= ___ (Total Score)

Nicotine Use Score = ___

1. I do not smoke cigarettes, cigars, or pipes or use smokeless

chewing tobacco, and I am not exposed to tobacco smoke regularly.

Yes (30 points)

2. I typically smoke a pack or more daily, and/ or chew more than a

can of tobacco per day.

Yes (10 points)

Alcohol Use: Score = ___

1. (Male) I do not drink alcoholic beverages, or if I drink, I do not

consume more than 2-standard alcoholic drinks per occasion, or more

than 14-drinks per week.

(Female) I do not drink alcohol, or if I drink, I do not consume more than 1-standard alcoholic drink per occasion, or more than 7-drinks per week. (Male & Female) I never drink while having medical problems (e.g., female- pregnancy, etc.) or while operating machinery. Yes (30 points)

2. I drink, but I do not consume more than 3 (female) or 4 (male) standard alcoholic drinks per occasion on any one day of the week. Yes (20 points)

3. I typically consume 4 or more standard alcoholic drinks per occasion, and typically consume more than 14-standard drinks per week. Yes (10 points)

Illicit Drug Use: (e.g., All street drugs: marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamine (ICE), ecstasy, LSD, Heroin, including un-prescribed medications, inhalants, and/ or unauthorized supplements Ephedra, or excessively used over-the-counter medications, etc.). Score = ___

1. I have not ever used illicit street drugs and/ or taken addictive prescription medications for long periods in the past, and I do not presently use illicit drugs or take addictive prescription medications. Yes (30 points)

2. I have used illicit street drugs and/ or have taken addictive prescription medications for long periods in the past. Yes (20 points)

3. I use illicit street drugs and/ or take addictive medications frequently or whenever I get the opportunity. Yes (10 points) Caffeine Intoxication: (e.g., coffee, soda, tea, & other caffeine products, etc.)

Score = ___

1. My use of caffeine products has not caused distress or impairment in my social, occupational, or other important areas of my life. Yes (30 points)

2. My use of caffeine products has caused physical symptoms (e.g., restlessness, nervousness, excitement, and/ or insomnia, etc.), that have resulted in impairment in my social, occupational, or other important areas of my life.

Yes (10 points)

B. Eating Attitude Screen: Score = ___

1. Issues concerning my weight and/ or eating habits have not caused me to feel shame, guilt, embarrassment, and/ or low self-esteem, as my relationship with food has never been one of the problem areas in my life. Yes (30 points)

2. Issues concerning my weight and/ or eating habits have been a focus of my life, causing me to sometimes feel shame, guilt, embarrassment, and/ or low self-esteem, as I tend to overeat, under eat, binge, purge, and/ or obsess over diets and calories

Yes (10 points)

C. Exercise Pattern Screen: Score = ___

1. On average, I exercise five times or more per week for 30 minutes or more each time and/or have vigorous activity three times or more per week for 20 minutes or more each time. = 30 points

2. On average, I exercise once or twice a week for 30 minutes or more each time. = 20 points

3. I dont exercise and/ or dont have a regular exercise program that I follow.

= 10 points

D. Sleep Pattern Screen: Score = ___

1. On average, I typically get between 7 and 8 hours of sleep daily.

= 30 points 2. On average, I typically get less than 4 hours of sleep daily or more than 11 hours of sleep daily.

= 10 points

E. Sexual Practice Screen: Score = ___

1. I have always abstained from sexual relationships or I have always practiced safe sex (e.g., used condoms/ contraceptives appropriately, etc.) and have no prior history of STDs, multiple sex partners, or of sharing needles with anyone.

Yes (30 points) 2. I have not always practiced safe sex and/ or have had multiple sex partners.

Yes (20 points) 3. I have not always practiced safe sex, and/ or - I presently have multiple sexual partners and/ or have a prior history of STDs and/ or a history of sharing needles with others.

Yes (10 points)

F. Gambling Practice Screen: Score = ___

1. I have never gambled, or I have never gambled with more than $100.00 on any one- day, and it was purely for social entertainment. My gambling has never resulted in adverse consequences to others or myself.

Yes (30 points)

2. Gambling is sometimes a part of my recreational activities, but I have never gambled with more than $1000.00 on any one-day. Periodically I have suffered from some negative consequences, but I have never lost control over this behavior. Yes (20 points)

3. I have gambled with more than $1000.00 on any one-day and/ or I have a continuous or periodic loss of control over gambling behaviors; and/ or a preoccupation with gambling and obtaining money for gambling; and/ or a pattern of continuing to gamble in spite of adverse consequences. Yes (10 points)

G. Risky Behavior Screen: Score = ___

1. I do not have a pattern of practicing the following risky behaviors:

a. Drinking alcohol and/ or using mind altering drugs and driving a motor vehicle, or riding with someone that does;

b. Drinking alcohol and/ or using mind altering drugs and operating machinery, and/ or using a firearm, explosive devices, and/ or exposing myself to medicines, chemicals, and/ or poisons;

c. Drinking alcohol and/ or using mind altering drugs and bicycling, swimming, diving, boating, or performing other potentially hazardous recreational activities;

d. Driving/ riding a motor vehicle and not using seatbelts or a helmet;

e. I do not have a history of having obsessive thoughts and/ or impulsive behaviors that have resulted in negative consequences (e.g., alcohol/ substance abuse, sexual promiscuity, speeding/ reckless driving, and/ or other aggressive impulses, resulting in motor vehicle crashes, falls, fires, near drowning, near suffocation, poisoning - incidents, assault, self-harm, damage or loss to personal or others property, or other dangerous behaviors, etc.). Yes (30 points)

2. I have a history (more than one incident) of the above risky behaviors, and/ or of having obsessive thoughts and impulsive behaviors that have resulted in some negative consequences, (e.g., alcohol/ substance abuse, sexual promiscuity, speeding/ reckless driving, other aggressive impulses, resulting in motor vehicle crashes, falls, fires, near drowning, near suffocation, poisoning - incidents, assault, self-harm, damage or loss to personal or others property, or other dangerous behaviors, etc.).

Specify behavior(s): _________________________

Yes (10 points)

Scoring: The Addictions Recovery Measurement System utilizes an arbitrary, but standardized weighted classification process to assign different intensity levels of prognostic factors relative to each individuals test scores (e.g., Clinical Evaluation Guide: 10 points = High Risk with chronic & severe symptoms; 20 points = Moderate Risk with acute & moderate symptoms; and 30 points = Low Risk with no present acute symptoms, etc.). This method is used in an attempt to objectively measure, integrate, and systematize the collection, tabulation, interpretation, and graphical display of the ARMS screening instrument test results.

Behavior Risk Assessment (BRA) Tabulation Guide: (Example) 1. Substance Intake Screen: Nicotine Score = 30

Alcohol Score = 10

Illegal Drugs Score = 20

Caffeine Score = 10

(Divide by 4) 70 = 17.5

Score = 17.5 2. Eating Attitude Screen Score = 30 3. Exercise Pattern Screen Score = 30 4. Sleep Pattern Screen Score = 30 5. Sexual Practice Screen Score = 20 6. Pathological Gambling Screen Score = 20 7. Risky Behavior Screen Score = 10 (Score) divided by 7 multiplied by 3.33 Total Score =157.5 157.5 divided by 7 = 22.5 x 3.33 = 74.9

Cumulative PAG Score = 74.9

Prognostic Assessment Gauge (PAG) - Interpretive Guide:

___ Excellent = 80 to 100(e.g., optimal level of functioning, etc.)

75_ Good = 60 to 80(e.g., above satisfactory level of functioning w/ Mild symptoms)

___ Fair= 40 to 60(e.g., satisfactory level of functioning w/ Moderate symptoms, etc.)

___ Poor= 20 to 40(e.g., unsatisfactory level of functioning w/ Severe symptoms, etc.)

___ Guarded= 0 to 20(e.g., eminent danger to self or others, etc.)

The Prognostic Assessment Gauge (PAG) Score can be used to score just one or all twelve ARMS - screening instruments. It is utilized as an indication of how well an individual is coping at the present time. It summarizes an individuals overall psychological, social, and occupational functionability and may similarly represent an objective DSM-IV, Axis V - Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) score.

NOTE: Each individual item in the (10) high-risk category should be screened for further assessment.


Since successful treatment outcomes are dependent on thorough assessments, accurate diagnoses, and comprehensive individualized treatment planning, it is no wonder that repeated rehabilitation failures and low success rates are the norm instead of the exception in the addictions field, when the latest DSM-IV-TR does not even include a diagnosis for multiple addictive behavioral disorders. Treatment clinics need to have a treatment planning system and referral network that is equipped to thoroughly assess multiple addictive and mental health disorders and related treatment needs and comprehensively provide education/ awareness, prevention strategy groups, and/ or specific addictions treatment services for individuals diagnosed with multiple addictions. Written treatment goals and objectives should be specified for each separate addiction and dimension of an individuals life, and the desired performance outcome or completion criteria should be specifically stated, behaviora lly based (a visible activity), and measurable.

For more info see: Poly-Behavioral Addiction and the Addictions Recovery Measurement System (ARMS) at: /drslbdzn/Behavioral_Addictions.html


American Psychiatric Association: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision. Washington, DC, American Psychiatric Association, 2000, p. 787 & p. 731. American Society of Addiction Medicines (2003), Patient Placement Criteria for the Treatment of Substance-Related Disorders, 3rd Edition, Retrieved, June 18, 2005, from:

/ Arthur Aron, Ph.D., professor, psychology, State University of New York, Stony Brook; Helen Fisher, research professor, department of anthropology, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N.J.; Paul Sanberg, Ph.D.,professor, neuroscience, and director, Center of Excellence for Aging and Brain Repair,University of South Florida College of Medicine, Tampa; June 2005, the Journal of Neurophysiology Gorski, T. (2001), Relapse Prevention In The Managed Care Environment. GORSKI-CENAPS Web Publications. Retrieved June 20, 2005, from: Lienard, J. & Vamecq, J. (2004), Presse Med, Oct 23;33(18 Suppl):33-40. Morgan, G.D.; and Fox, B.J. Promoting Cessation of Tobacco Use. The Physician and Sports medicine. Vol 28- No. 12, December 2000. Slobodzien, J. (2005). Poly-behavioral Addiction and the Addictions Recovery Measurement System (ARMS), Booklocker.com, Inc., p. 5. Whitlock, E.P. Evaluating Primary Care Behavioral Counseling Interventions: An Evidence-based Approach. Am J Prev Med 200 2;22(4): 267-84. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Healthy People 2010 (Conference Edition). Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office; 2000.

James Slobodzien, Psy.D. CSAC, is a Hawaii licensed psychologist and certified substance abuse counselor who earned his doctorate in Clinical Psychology. The National Registry of Health Service Providers in Psychology credentials Dr. Slobodzien. He has over 20-years of mental health experience primarily working in the fields of alcohol/ substance abuse and behavioral addictions in medical, correctional, and judicial settings. He is an adjunct professor of Psychology and also maintains a private practice as a mental health consultant.

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Sunday 20 May 2012

5 Things You Should Know About Acne Treatment Product

1 Know What You Buy

When it comes to acne treatment product most people just simply buying based on advertising they watch. Each people is different as well as skin, so before you buy acne treatment product make sure you know anything about your skin.

2. Acne Demand Great Deal of Patience

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Saturday 19 May 2012

5 Things You Should Know About Acne Treatment Product

1 Know What You Buy

When it comes to acne treatment product most people just simply buying based on advertising they watch. Each people is different as well as skin, so before you buy acne treatment product make sure you know anything about your skin.

2. Acne Demand Great Deal of Patience

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Friday 18 May 2012

5 Things You Should Know About Acne Treatment Product

1 Know What You Buy

When it comes to acne treatment product most people just simply buying based on advertising they watch. Each people is different as well as skin, so before you buy acne treatment product make sure you know anything about your skin.

2. Acne Demand Great Deal of Patience

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Thursday 17 May 2012

Addiction Treatment Information

Ever really wonder why ten percent of the population needs addiction treatment of some sort or another? One would think with all of the research and development efforts expended more knowledge about the addictive qualities contained in drugs would be made available. This is obviously not the case making the major problem to identify effective addiction treatment methods impossible due to the misleading information given about addiction, drugs and alcohol.

Addiction is a condition characterized by repeated, compulsive seeking and use of drugs, alcohol or other similar substances despite adverse social, mental and physical consequences. It is usually accompanied by psychological and physical dependence on the abused substance and the appearance of withdrawal symptoms when the addictive substance is rapidly decreased or terminated. When addiction exists, the drug use controls the individual rather than the individual controlling the usage.

In order to overcome dependence on drugs or alcohol, any substance really one must understand addiction and to do so would have to look at all the negative aspects caused by abusing substances. There are a series of physiological effects that take place within the brain and body that dramatically increase the desire to not only continue the abuse but also require more of the drug to produce the same effect. The first euphoric effects felt at the outset of drug or alcohol abuse are sought with a terrific effort.

First, drugs negatively influence the neurological balance of the brain setting off the release of neurotransmitters serotonin, dopamine and others causing the feeling of euphoria. This depletes the supply of naturally produces "feel good" chemicals in the brain and burns up tremendous amounts of nutrients, the fuel needed to produce more of these. Now with the neurotransmitter levels depleted and the inability of the body to produce more depression and anxiety set, otherwise known as coming down. This increases the desire to use more, and requires more of the drug to produce the same effect.

Second, drugs, any drugs are received by the body as toxins and are handled as such. All toxins are processed via the liver and kidneys, broken down into particles that are then disbursed back into the bloodstream. This design is supposed to allow the toxins to exit the body via the sweat gland or intestinal tract. Unfortunately these toxins are now fat bonding particles that can lodge in the fatty tissues of the body for undetermined length of time, as has been proven with the metabolites produced by marijuana.

These toxic particles are continually built up in the fat stores of the body causing continued nutritional deficiencies, making the addict feel worse and wanting more. This desire overrides any other thing in life, things that matter the most, like family, friends, job and quite often freedom and life. This culminates into feelings of hopelessness; guilt and inability of function in life or interact in a sane fashion.

Addiction treatment programs that reverse these toxic effects will produce improvement in the addicts overall disposition and offer. There are some rehabilitation programs that have greatly improved psychological test scores with nutritional therapy alone. Addiction treatment centers that start from the ground up by handling physical addiction and then mental emotional issues work far better than traditional treatment options.

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Wednesday 16 May 2012

Finding the Best Acne Treatment for Your Troubled Skin

Acne causes embarrassment and discouragement for millions of people. Most are in their teen years, but adults are affected, too. There are many choices of acne treatment on the market. Some are well formulated, while others are weak and ineffective. Finding the best acne treatment for your skin can improve your outlook, and your looks.

The best products for treating your acne are natural, gentle products. Look for botanical ingredients in the list. Some herbal ingredients that are healing to blemished skin include sage, yarrow, coltsfoot, wild thyme, horsetail, althea (or marshmallow), and balm mint (or melissa). Aloe vera is a well known skin healer, and is often included in good acne products.

Also valuable in a treatment remedy for acne are certain essential oils. Some essential oils are harsh for skin. (None should be used straight, but should always be diluted with a carrier oil!) The best acne treatment products might include oils such as lavender, rose, tangerine, and geranium. These are not only healing to the skin, but will make the product smell great, too.

If the product is made with a transdermal system, any vitamins or herbal ingredients will be able to absorb into the skin and treat the acne where it starts. Some vitamins that might be included in a topical acne treatment include vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E, and pro vitamin B5.

Just like healthy food for the body, the best acne treatment will provide nourishment and nutrition directly to the skin. The skin tends to reveal the health of a person. What shows up on the outside often indicates a deficiency or need on the inside. Getting a healthy diet can help you overcome your acne, and is a good addition to make to your use of good products.

Even the best products, however, won't clear up that acne if they are used inconsistently. It's a good idea to get into the routine of taking your vitamin supplements and cleansing your face every day. Don't let procrastination or disorganization leave you without time for taking care of yourself. The skin is the largest organ in the body. It is a major agent in removing toxins from the body. It needs to be pampered and cared for.

A moisturizer is also an important part of an acne treatment. Like other components, it needs to be 100% natural, or it can make matters worse by contributing to clogging the pores. Make sure you take the time to read the label to make sure the ingredients are natural botanicals, nutrients, and healthful oils.

Some people say you should try to use only products on your skin that you would be willing to put in your mouth. This might not always be the case, since the skin does act like a filter, while absorbing nutrients and other substances. Still, one should be cautious about using unnatural products.

There's a lot more to learn about acne treatments, and you can do it at

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Tuesday 15 May 2012

How To Acne Best Treatment Program

Despite acne treatments and medications having improved dramatically over the years, acne still seems to take a firm hold on many people. If your acne has not improved within 4-6 weeks following treatment with such products, you should consult your doctor. Current understanding of the different presentations of acne allows for individualized treatments and improved outcomes. Also, treatment must be given constantly to all acne-prone areas, and not just to individual existing pimples.

Severe Acne: Antibiotics given by mouth, including tetracycline, doxycycline, minocycline, and erythromycin, are reserved for the treatment of severe acne. It's essential that teens with acne be given an appropriate treatment regimen. However, acne scar treatment available today cannot only wipe out the infliction(in many cases), but can also deliver smooth, refreshed skin. Even if outbreaks of acne cannot be eliminated, conventional treatment can provide relief. Even dermatologists cannot cure a severe case of acne but can only provide an acne treatment regimen. We have a growing impressive line of therapeutic quality natural herbal based treatments to keep your acne and oily skin healthy. Little is known about how personality and emotional traits affect acne and its impact on quality of life and treatment.

Objectives To evaluate the relationship between TA and acne severity, skin-related quality of life, satisfaction with treatment, and adherence to treatment. Unfortunately, 60% of these women either do not respond to standard acne treatment or build up a tolerance to frequently used medications. You can then build up your use gradually.7 No home treatments for acne will work immediately. Unfortunately, about 60 percent of these women either do not respond to standard acne treatment or build up a tolerance to frequently used medications. Most people who suffer from acne go out and spend good money on common over-the-counter acne treatment products. For healthy skin, Americans spend billions of dollars on acne treatment and anti-aging skin care products every year.

Most people who suffer from acne go out and spend good money on common over-the-counter acne treatment products. And no matter what a drug ad says, acne treatments alone will not help you win the battle against acne. CEighty percent of inflammatory acne cases clear up after four weeks of twice-weekly treatments, Leal says. "Basically if someone with mild acne presents for treatment, your first line of defense will be a topical regimen," says Dr. Alternative therapies continue to gain new respect in acne treatment. Even after blemishes disappear, you usually must continue to use an effective acne treatment to keep new blemishes from forming.

Once you've got your acne cleared up it's important to continue with the treatment that's working so it does not return. Cryotherapy is another treatment for acne scars, using repeated freezing to gently shrink scar tissue. Here you will find information about acne scar treatment. An individual can either use any generic mild facial soap or a soap made especially for acne by major treatment brands. We are particularly interested in how Alabu soap may have helped with acne treatment and other acne skin conditions. (17) In the 1800s dermatologists used acne treatment such as sulfur in which this dried out the skin. Although long used in treatment of acne, it is not known how sulfur acts on the skin to influence the development of acne. Sulfur is less frequently used by itself as an acne treatment due to its unpleasant odor. What is known as an anti-inflammatory treatment for acne is embracing a certain lifestyle.

When choosing a treatment for your acne condition, it is important to know about acne treatment lifestyle changes. A wide range of (lifestyle) treatments can give you control over your acne. Objectives To collate and evaluate the evidence on the clinical efficacy of minocycline in the treatment of inflammatory acne vulgaris. The review found that there was no reliable evidence that minocycline was better than any other acne treatment and that more research is needed. Objective To review the best evidence available for individualized treatment of acne. Shaw JC: Low-dose adjunctive spironolactone in the treatment of acne in women: a retrospective analysis of 85 consecutively treated patients.


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Monday 14 May 2012

Be Proactive With Acne Treatment

At some point in life, most people deal with acne. It is one of life's most annoying realities that doesn't seem to be a respector of persons. As a dermatologist, I am constantly meeting with teenagers, young adults and adults that are tired of struggling with acne and that are desperate for acne treatment that works.

Effective and healthy acne treatment is my life's work and my passion. I love researching about the causes of acne and about all of the possible methods for helping the skin clear from acne. If you've ever been to a store looking for an acne treatment, then you know first hand how many options there are and how easy it would be to make the wrong choices.

Most teens and adults I know go looking for the easiest and cheapest form of acne treatment that they can find. Yes, acne bothers them, but not enough to seek professional treatment. I am convinced that one of the reasons that so many people are unhappy with their chosen method of acne treatment is that they haven't taken the time to make changes to their lifestyle.

I am a firm believer that the most effective acne treatment is one that requires a total change of lifestyle. When any client struggling with acne enters my office, my first assignemnt to them is to change some of their lifestyle habits for a month and then return to see me. I will not prescribe any topical or oral acne treatment until people have other daily habits under control. For example, I look carefully at the typical diet of my patients and I look for ways to help them cut out junk food. I ask them to drink more water and less beverages that are filled with sugar, and I encourage them to stay away from sugary and salty foods for the month. I monitor their fitness habits and suggest that they get moving.

This might seem like a strange method of acne treatment, but you would be shocked to learn that every single client of mine returns to my office after a month of changing their lifestyle in awe of what a difference changing habits has made for them. Yes, I do offer topical and or oral acne treatments to supplement their other methods, but the point is that no topical or oral acne treatment will be as effective without partnering it with a healthy lifestyle.

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Sunday 13 May 2012

Free Alcohol Rehab for Teens - Health

Free Alcohol Rehab for Teens

A lot of teenagers require treatment for alcoholism these days. Teenagers start drinking due to a variety of reasons. Broken homes, peer pressure and inability to handle the pressures of schoolwork are some reasons why teenagers start drinking. They may also start drinking to seem cool. What they do not know is alcohol harms their internal organs slowly but surely. Many teenagers start drinking alcohol just to get a thrill. Pretty soon, what starts as innocent fun becomes an addiction. For this reason, many schools have open up free alcohol rehab options for teens. Schools must have a system in place by which they can identify the teenagers who are addicted to alcohol. Such teenagers must be encouraged to get help as soon as possible.

First of all, teenagers who have become addicted to alcohol must understand the dangers posed by alcohol consumption. Then they must understand that they need help. Counselors in schools must stress the importance of getting alcohol treatment to teenagers who are addicted to alcohol. The counselors must bring the problem to the attention of the parents of the teenagers. The parents and the schools must work together to convince the teenagers that they need help. Counselors must make the teenagers aware of the health risks posed by alcohol. So many road accidents are caused by teenagers who drink and drive. Counselors must make the teenagers aware of the risks they pose to themselves as well as others as a result of their addiction.

When teenagers are convinced that they need help, they must be taken to free alcohol rehab centers. There are several good free alcohol rehab centers. Teenage alcohol treatment involves not just treatment with medicines, but also emotional support from close family members and friends. Most of the free alcohol rehab centers maintain confidentiality. They will not make the records of teenagers who come to them for help, available to anybody. Most free alcohol rehab centers require the teenagers to stay for a particular period of time. Some free alcohol rehab centers allow teenagers to continue their treatment as outpatients.

Teenage alcohol treatment does not end by just admitting the teenagers in alcohol rehab centers. Parents and school authorities must work together to find out what caused the teenagers to start drinking in the first place. If it is due to some problem at home or at school, steps must be taken to sort out the problem. If something is upsetting the teenagers emotionally, parents must help teenagers to sort out whatever is bothering them by providing emotional support. This must be done in combination with alcohol rehab treatment. If the teenagers follow the treatment regimen properly, they will be able to overcome their addiction pretty soon.

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Saturday 12 May 2012

Best of both worlds at a Christian drug rehab for Christian drug treatment

Drug problem is not a disease that can be treated through medicines and pills. It is instead a psychologically triggered problem that can be treated through proper medical attention along with counseling sessions. Realizing this, a number of Christian drug rehab centers have been set up all over the United States of America. These faith based drug rehab centers are doing a commendable job in treating drug addicts of all kinds. Apart from providing the services that are extended by the traditional drug rehab centers, these faith based drug rehab centers are also providing spiritual assistance to the recovering addicts admitted at these centers for help.

Before the faith based drug rehab centers were established in the country, a lot of thought and consideration had gone into deciding the nature of these rehab centers and the type of Christian drug treatment that was to be offered. The proponents of the faith based drug rehab centers discussed on the treatment procedures that could be extended for the benefit of all the patients admitted at these centers. Initially, it was thought that providing spiritual assistance alone could help the patient build confidence and resistance. However, after much thought and deliberation it was felt that concentrating solely on the spiritual aspect would limit the scope of the faith based drug rehab centers. Moreover, this would discourage the rational thinking drug addicts from coming to these centers. Based on these observations it was decided that these centers will not only offer spiritual aid but also medical attention to all recovering addicts. Today, at any faith based drug rehab center one can receive proper medical attention along with spiritual assistance that have been proven to be highly beneficial in treating the drug addicts completely.

The medical aspect:

In terms of the medical assistance provided by the faith based drug rehab centers not much difference can be noted between the traditional drug rehab centers and the faith based drug rehab centers. Both employ skilled professionals and medical procedures to cater to all drug addicts admitted at the centers. Throughout the recovery stages, the patients are carefully monitored and observed by a team of experienced medical staff that works round the clock. In addition, the administrators at the faith based drug rehab centers make sure that the patients are treated physically so that the damage caused by the heavy intake of banned substance can be minimized to some extent.

Inspired by the pioneering efforts undertaken by the faith based drug rehab centers a number of well known physicians, doctors and psychologist have volunteered to help the drug addicts admitted at these centers. These experts offer their services at a considerably low cost to extend their full support to the faith based drug rehab centers. These experts work in tandem and exchange their observations about individual patients to assess their progress during the recovery stages. On the basis of their observations, the patients are prescribed medicines.

The spiritual aspect:

The spiritual element is at the core of the faith based drug rehab centers. These rehab centers lay unequivocal stress on making sure that the patients are able to identify their inner strength and borrow support from it to deal with all kinds of personal problems. The central idea is to help the patients reach out to Jesus Christ, the sole savior of the human race. This is an important aspect of the Christian drug treatment. Throughout the treatment stage, the patient is made to realize how the inner strength can be harnessed to fight all forms of evils. Jesus Christ is projected as the benevolent lord who forsakes us for all our past sins. The only thing requi red of the addicts is to realize his errors and sins.

Bible reading, church attendance, prayers and meditation are of extreme importance at any faith based drug rehab center. The patients follow these as regular routines and adopt a Christian way of living. This helps the patients to lead a life of sobriety after getting out of the faith based drug rehab center. Moreover, it helps the addict to find a proper meaning for his life and inspire people around him as well.

Unlike a traditional drug rehab center that depends on only one form of treatment procedure, the faith based drug rehab centers have shown how elements of the scientific treatment and spiritual methods can be combined together to bring out the best results for the recovering addicts. These centers have played a key role in helping the drug addicts to get involved in productive and constructive activities such as community services receiving full treatment at these faith based drug rehab centers. This in turn has helped them to divert attention from all kinds of addictive substances including drugs and alcohol.

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Friday 11 May 2012

Alcohol Rehab Center

Ann alcohol rehab center is a chemical addiction treatment facility to treat those addicted alcohol and other drugs. The differences between one alcohol rehab center and another are various and numerous. Every alcohol rehab center is unique in terms of patient makeup, price, treatment specialty, curriculum and philosophy, size, and location and services and amenities and features, among other considerations.

The alcohol rehab center treatment focus or specialty is one differentiation point among addiction treatment programs. Many alcohol rehab centers serve the younger, college age patient population. That population seems to have an unusually high number of alcohol and drug addicts, per capita. There are also treatment programs that are exclusive adolescent, under age 18, as well as programs that serve a more mature population. Some alcohol addiction programs cater to certain religious orientations, and others cater to certain sexual orientation populations, as well. Some facilities serve primarily the lower income to even indigent patient populations, while others serve very high net worth individual populations. Finally, there are alcohol rehab center programs that are co-educational, while other programs are gender separate.

Alcohol rehab center treatment prices vary dramatically, from treatment center to treatment center, as well. Pricing is usually a function of many considerations, including the center's location, staff credentials, curriculum or philosophy, services and amenities and features provided detoxification ability, and care level, among others. Prices range from free or state and/or county subsidized programs, often called street' or indigent programs to extremely exclusive, private, high-end, spa-like programs that can cost as much as $80,000 per month and beyond. The majority of treatment programs are priced in the $10,000-$15,000 per month price range. Prices are often highest during the first month treatment, for obvious reasons, which then reduce during subsequent months of treatment.

The make up of the treatment team in an alcohol rehab center is also a significant differentiation point. Many alcohol addiction treatment programs have a staff that is comprised, principally, of addiction counselors and minimal ancillary staff. Most of the higher needs programs, such as dual diagnosis and other psychiatric addiction treatment programs, have a much more highly credentialed and licensed staff of MDs, PhDs, Master Level Therapists, and other adjunctive care givers. Typically, the treatment costs of an alcohol rehab center with a highly credentialed and licensed staff is, of course, higher than that of a program with a less capable staff, less credentialed, less licensed staff.

The curriculum and services provided at an alcohol rehab center are also a digression point. The lower-end programs typically offer minimal services, consisting of principally education and some group treatment work. The higher-end programs usually provide much more education, including well-know speaker meetings, more therapeutic groups, and therapeutic activities, among other services. The highest-end programs often provide abundant individual, one-on-one therapy, small group therapy, education, activities, and other ancillary services ranging from massage to acupuncture to yoga, to brain scanning, infrared saunas, meditation, private physical training, personal chefs, and much more.

Finally, the location of an alcohol rehab center is also an identifying and differentiating point among treatment facilities. There are very urban, inner city programs, typically found in large metropolises, often in the skid row' locales. There are more rural programs, located in the mountains or in other remote areas that have lots of land and privacy around them. And there are coastal property programs that have locations on the beach or close to it for those patients who respond to that type of environment.

The diversity and variety of an alcohol rehab center is determined by multiple factors, including the following: patient population served treatment focus and specialty, program cost, program size, services provided, and location, among other considerations. These are the primary differentiation considerations among addiction treatment programs.

For more information on Alcohol Rehab Center Visit Miramar Rehab Center

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Thursday 10 May 2012

Alcohol rehab is really a intricate course of action which in turn often not just deals

Alcohol rehab * Data and Means

Alcohol rehab, as well as Alcohol rehab for so few, is often a place where folks dependent on drinking can look to find therapy for their destructive addictions and also achieve the knowledge and equipment to reside the fruitful along with alcohol-free existence. Alcohol rehab is not only a new location, yet an extended voyage. When alcohol addiction has had maintain, it's everlasting plus it takes a lifetime of abstinence and also sobriety to take care of a proper existence. There is no cure with regard to alcohol addiction by however, there is however therapy and it is of which treatment, or perhaps therapy that preserves thousands of life each year. Alcohol dependency is a modern ailment that brings about physical and psychological habit.

What is Alcohol rehab?

Alcohol rehab is really a intricate course of action which in turn often not just deals with the quilt approach to managing your addiction, and also co-occurring psychological ailments, known as two analysis treatment, which generally give rise to alcohol addiction getting handle. For most Alcohol rehab centers there is one particular goal, yet a myriad of cure philosophies and methodologies. Depending on person and the severity of the particular alcohol addiction, some kinds of treatment centers might be needed. For further severe situations regarding alcohol addiction, cleansing could possibly be necessary. Detox will be the initial step throughout Alcohol rehab.

Types of Alcohol rehab

Electrical power forms of Alcohol rehab applications readily available for alcoholics to seek help. Alcoholism can be as various inside every unique for the reason that people ourselves. Since the ailment regarding alcohol dependency varies throughout every person, the type of treatment program required to work regarding different alcoholics differs as well. You will need to analysis your myriad of Alcohol rehab programs before making the decision, with there being numerous factors to take into consideration.

Ex - drug junkies should find out in order to unwind within organic, drug-free approaches. The accounts receivable staff in the drug rehab might teach approaches like yoga exercises, deep breathing, sports, massage therapy, fine art, journaling and also other ways of publishing tension along with managing anxiety. Most cure stores also provide any dynamics element: To match your program's location, this can include walking with seashore as well as in very woodland, starting snowfall activities, trying to play outside video games, hiking, along with other outdoor activities.

Your counseling employees determine once the individual features acquired the program as well as is preparing to go back home. Almost everyone has for you to remain in full-time treatment for a number of months. Federal government studies indicate that the longer individuals be in drug rehab, the much more likely it can be that they'll retrieve.

Follow-Up Care

Any retrieving drug abuser continues to desire support following he has accomplished drug rehab remedy and also dividends in order to "normal lifetime." Usually, this individual carries on determining a new therapist near his home, and the household makes its way into family treatments. A wide range of past lovers attend assistance for example Alcoholics Anonymous or perhaps Narcotics Anonymous. Follow-up care may carry on for years

Higher Power Foundation.com is a comfortable residential facility for the treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction. We at Higher Power Foundation help people transform their lives by providing the highest quality addiction treatment and continuing care services in a safe, serene and homely environment. We offer a comprehensive approach to the recovery process that addresses the full range of patient, family, and professional needs including treatment and continuing care for youth and adults. Our goal is to help people reclaim their lives from the disease of addiction.

Alcohol rehab is really a intricate course of action which in turn often not just deals

Alcohol rehab is often a multi-phased process to help you alcoholics locate the path to sobriety and abstinence through further careless drinking. For a lot of, Alcohol rehab takes place having an alcohol consumption detoxification to acquire just about all drinking out of the program. This method are certainly dangerous along with uncomfortable and infrequently demands professional medical checking, depending on the seriousness of the particular alcohol dependency. Right after cleansing, nearly all Alcohol rehab programs will certainly include period spent in a Alcohol rehab middle, mastering the various tools needed to live in actual life without having allowing stresses and pressures in order to quick a new relapse. Understand below regarding Alcohol rehab and just how it can do the job.

Alcohol rehab * Data and Means

Alcohol rehab, as well as Alcohol rehab for so few, is often a place where folks dependent on drinking can look to find therapy for their destructive addictions and also achieve the knowledge and equipment to reside the fruitful along with alcohol-free existence. Alcohol rehab is not only a new location, yet an extended voyage. When alcohol addiction has had maintain, it's everlasting plus it takes a lifetime of abstinence and also sobriety to take care of a proper existence. There is no cure with regard to alcohol addiction by however, there is however therapy and it is of which treatment, or perhaps therapy that preserves thousands of life each year. Alcohol dependency is a modern ailment that brings about physical and psychological habit.

What is Alcohol rehab?

Alcohol rehab is really a intricate course of action which in turn often not just deals with the quilt approach to managing your addiction, and also co-occurring psychological ailments, known as two analysis treatment, which generally give rise to alcohol addiction getting handle. For most Alcohol rehab centers there is one particular goal, yet a myriad of cure philosophies and methodologies. Depending on person and the severity of the particular alcohol addiction, some kinds of treatment centers might be needed. For further severe situations regarding alcohol addiction, cleansing could possibly be necessary. Detox will be the initial step throughout Alcohol rehab.

Types of Alcohol rehab

Electrical power forms of Alcohol rehab applications readily available for alcoholics to seek help. Alcoholism can be as various inside every unique for the reason that people ourselves. Since the ailment regarding alcohol dependency varies throughout every person, the type of treatment program required to work regarding different alcoholics differs as well. You will need to analysis your myriad of Alcohol rehab programs before making the decision, with there being numerous factors to take into consideration.

Ex - drug junkies should find out in order to unwind within organic, drug-free approaches. The accounts receivable staff in the drug rehab might teach approaches like yoga exercises, deep breathing, sports, massage therapy, fine art, journaling and also other ways of publishing tension along with managing anxiety. Most cure stores also provide any dynamics element: To match your program's location, this can include walking with seashore as well as in very woodland, starting snowfall activities, trying to play outside video games, hiking, along with other outdoor activities.

Your counseling employees determine once the individual features acquired the program as well as is preparing to go back home. Almost everyone has for you to remain in full-time treatment for a number of months. Federal government studies indicate that the longer individuals be in drug rehab, the much more likely it can be that they'll retrieve.

Follow-Up Care

Any retrieving drug abuser continues to desire support following he has accomplished drug rehab remedy and also dividends in order to "normal lifetime." Usually, this individual carries on determining a new therapist near his home, and the household makes its way into family treatments. A wide range of past lovers attend assistance for example Alcoholics Anonymous or perhaps Narcotics Anonymous. Follow-up care may carry on for years

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Wednesday 9 May 2012

??????>Breast Cancer Treatment in NYC

Living a healthy is a gift for mankind; however certain disorders may occur giving birth to many different diseases. Different kinds of diseases may happen in males and females due to their biological differences. In women, some complicated gynecological changes or situations may lead to many diseases including breast cancer and if you got the symptoms of the disease, it is very important that you get it diagnosed well by the professionals and treated well. The treatment of breast cancer in the city of New York is one of the most famous and the best. It has the best treatment facilities, equipments and uses the latest techniques to cure the disease. The Gynecologist NYC is among one of the best in the world. No wonder why they experience people visiting from around the globe including do many celebrities to get the treatment.

Breast cancer NYC is one of the best in the country. The gynecologist NYC is one of the busiest and is in great demands. They provide a good and healthy treatment for the treatment of the patients. Health is having a prime importance in the city and day by day the breast cancer NYC treatment facilities and techniques are getting upgraded with the latest ones. The insurance health services as well as the health care financial services are also available. There are qualifies and experienced doctors to provide the best breast cancer NYC treatment. These doctors are responsible the set up and smooth running of the hospital as well. They provide the needed treatment to the patients based on their condition and seriousness of the problem. The treatment provided is such that it becomes easier for the patient to get healed and recovered. This is made possible with the use of the latest and advanced techniques and equipments. There are so many people who prefer to take the benefit of the services in the city of New York and get benefited by it. This includes so many celebrities and top officials as well. This is really a gift for mankind. With these best services, the breast cancer NYC treatment facilities have occupied a distinctive place in the society.

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Tuesday 8 May 2012

How to choose a quality Alcohol Rehab Centre

Although there are common themes that need to be addressed in all addiction treatment, no two people are alike, and this needs to be taken cognisance of by drug rehabs. Alcoholism treatment programmes will also pay attention to the unique story of each client.

Some regimes rely exclusively on medical techniques and are heavily inclined to dispensing prescription drugs. Other alcohol rehab programs employ a merging of multiple disciplines in a cohesive team to provide a more holistic and integrated treatment experience for those who have become addicted to alcohol.

Anyone trying to choose the most appropriate alcohol rehab centre will know there's a lot to consider. Alcohol abuse is complex problem with many short and simple answers, unfortunately every one of those answer is wrong!

Alcoholism manifests in very different ways, across different people and ages. The multitude of substances available today have different effects too and it's rare to find a pure' alcoholic who hasn't combined their alcohol with some or other form of drug abuse;

prescription pills gambling dagga and other illegal drugs

Therefore it's critical for treatment professionals to mould each patients programme around the individual and their specific history of alcohol and other drug abuse, as well as considering the overall needs of the patient.

For example: a person who is addicted to alcohol & sleeping tablets needs to receive addiction treatment that is different from somebody who is addicted to alcohol & cocaine or heroin.

It's paramount that the multidisciplinary team collaborates with the patient in negotiating and agreeing upon a flexible treatment plan that can be altered when needed. This plan needs to address the whole person and consider their, mental, physical and emotional health, legal problems, vocational guidance, accommodation, family history, risk of relapse, social support etc.

The length of stay in an alcoholic rehabilitation centre can often be a bone of contention for people seeking help with their drinking. There's a tendency to expect that after a few days short detoxification they'll be able to pick up their lives as though nothing's happened.

The length of alcoholism rehabilitation is dependent upon patient needs and can extend into 6 months or longer. The initial phase of rehab, where the alcoholic is detoxified and assisted through the essentials of early recovery is known as Primary Care and usually lasts between 21 and 42 days.

There are short alcoholism treatment programs, normally for binge drinkers that run as out-patient rehabs for 3 or 4 weeks enabling people to continue to work during the day time. This type of after-hours rehab is only appropriate for alcoholics who are not dependent on drinking and don't suffer from withdrawal symptoms.

Then the short term in-patient rehab's last just a few weeks and are sufficient for the alcoholic to get their life back on track and in order.

The more intensive in-patient rehab's can last longer and will recommend continued care at a Secondary Care alcohol rehab enable the patient to look at issues around their integrating back into normal life but also enabling them to clear away the wreckage of their past' more effectively.

Some people have childhood abuse and other issues that need to be addressed after the Primary Care phase of alcohol rehabilitation is over.

Sometimes people with severe alcoholism choose to extend their care by living in a sober environment and benefiting from what is known as Tertiary Care rehab. This phase of alcohol treatment can last for a year.

It is a wise idea to identify what resources are available so that you can develop a sound and sustainable recovery strategy.

For example: you might choose to spend 4 weeks in an intense Primary Care alcoholism rehab program, followed by 4 weeks in a step-down, Secondary Care facility while attending aftercare and outpatient treatment. Thereafter you may opt for living in a Halfway House as an insurance policy to enhance your chances of success.

Unless you know where to find these rehab services and what they entail you might be denying yourself the opportunity to receive addiction treatment that matches your needs.

Psychological interventions are an important part of drug and alcohol rehabilitation. Many substances, including the commonly abused andsociallyacceptable alcohol, can create serious psychological disturbances that persist even after the person stops drinking or using them.

Additionally addicts and alcoholics develop behavioural patterns that reinforce their using and make it difficult to live clean and sober.

Clearing the body of drugs and alcohol (in a detox centre) is usually fairly straightforward and quite routine. Helping the person to address the mental problems that addiction /alcoholism has created can be significantly more involved.

Most alcohol rehab centres will have some sort of psychological component to their alcoholism treatment program. This enhances the chances of a successful treatment outcome and helps patients to adjust to living life sober and without the use of mind-altering substances.

Alcohol rehab centres are staffed by trained professionals who understand the nitty-gritty of alcoholism and its effective treatment. You will find therapists, counsellors, doctors, nurses, psychologists, and other professionals in any quality alcohol rehabilitation centres.

Each member of the team will perform an assessment of the client. By drawing on the combined knowledge of the team they are able to develop a rich understanding of the individual and make informed decisions about what sort of rehabilitation program is required.

While you are a patient at a drug or alcohol rehab centre you will be assigned a counsellor who has received special training in addictions treatment. Together with other members of the team your counsellor will take a life history and could even recommend certain medical tests. This will further refine the addiction treatment plan.

If you would like help in finding a drug or alcohol rehabilitation centre please contact us.

Please call us on:
United Kingdom: 0808 26 REHAB (73422)
South Africa: 082-74-REHAB (73422)

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Monday 7 May 2012

A Guide To The Most Popular Acne Treatments

Everyone knows how irritating and embarrassing acne and breakouts can be. While there are a variety of treatments, but it can be hard to find the best acne treatment for you. Some of the most popular treatments include bactericidal, natural acne treatments, and hormonal therapy. Keep reading to learn more about the most common types of acne treatments.

The most popular method of treating acne is the use of a topical bactericidal. These are widely available and contain a chemical known as benzoyl peroxide. Benzoyl peroxide is oxidizer-essentially mild bleach. It works as a keratolytic, dissolving the keratin that causes blocked skin pores. Also, this medicine helps prevent new breakouts from happening. Topical bactericidals are found in either an ointment form or as a wash. Ointments should be applied to the affected area twice daily. Don't overuse either form, as this could cause dry and irritated skin.

If youre one who wants to try a more natural or homemade acne treatment, you will be pleased to know that there are a variety of natural remedies that can aid in the treatment of acne. Some of the most popular include Tea Tree Oil and Witch Hazel. Tea tree oil is an anti-bacterial oil produced from the leaves of an Australian shrub called Melaleuca Alternifolia. Just put a bit on a cotton swab and dab at the affected areas. It will leave your skin tingling with a cool, fresh sensation. Witch hazel is a great natural astringent to use even if you have sensitive skin. Its very soft and wont strip your skins moisture. You can also try other natural oils, such as Bergamot and Lavender oils, which are also natural anti-bacterial drying agents. And for those of you who have oily skin, you can use rosewood oil to reduce the amount of sebum (natural oil) your skin produces.

For females, hormonal treatment for acne is also an option. Balancing hormone levels can reduce the frequency and intensity of outbreaks. Bir th control pills often reduce acne due to the combination of controlled estrogen and progestogen. They are particularly effective when high levels of androgens are detected in the blood. Contraceptives, however, have many side effects. They should not be taken without the guidance of a physician to make sure the type of pill is a good match for you.

Out of all the acne treatments available, bactericidals are definitely the most widely used. However, the amount of people who are trying natural acne remedies is increasing all the time. Finding the right acne treatment product is really just a system of trial and error. Just hang in there and youre sure to find a treatment that works for you!

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Sunday 6 May 2012

Stage 3 Brain Cancer Prognosis

Brain tumors, cancer of the liver and ovaries are all considered rare cancers.

Stage 3 Brain Cancer Prognosis

A cancer is considered rare if it is diagnosed in less than 15 people per 100,000 each year. This comes out to a total of about 40,000 cases per year in the US. For example, ovarian cancer occurs in about 21,000 women each year, which means it is classified as rare.

Most rare forms of cancer in adults are grouped together in a larger classification. For example, leukemia is a general classification of several rare types of cancers that occur in the blood.

The common cancers such as lung, breast, prostate, and colon cancer attract much more attention and get much more research funding than the rare types of cancer. Of course this makes sense because so many more people are affected by the common cancers.

However, the common cancers may be caused by many different factors - only one of which may be a genetic predisposition. Many of the rare forms of cancer can't be easily linked to environmental and other factors. Rare cancer research may be able to help scientists unlock the genetic codes which explain how humans get cancer.

Getting Clinical Care For Patients With A Rare Cancer

The problem with a rare form of cancer is finding a physician who is familiar with its diagnosis and treatment. Because these cancers don't happen as much as the common cancers, most physicians don't have experience in diagnosing and treating these cancers.

In order to get appropriate treatment for a rare form of cancer, you may have to continually ask your oncologist for answers. You may have to learn how to do the research yourself and even travel to see other doctors who specialize in an area of research similar to your cancer. Don't be surprised if the medical advice you get seems conflicting. Because these cancers are rare and the research may be limited, the science behind the treatme nts may vary widely.

Don't worry about offending your doctor by asking for a second opinion. Remember these cancers are rare, and most physicians will have little experience in dealing with them. It is OK to ask for a second opinion. Some insurance companies may even require a second opinion in the diagnosis of a rare cancer.

Seek a referral to a nearby "major" cancer treatment center because this will increase your chances of consulting with a specialist who is more familiar with your cancer type. Major cancer treatment centers are usually located in large metropolitan cities. You can usually find out more about these centers by researching online.

Take copies of your medical records with you and bring someone along to help you take notes of the your conversations. You don't want to miss any important details! Get someone you know that is skilled in Internet research to help you out with your online research studies.

How To Find Support For Rare Cancer Patients

Many people diagnosed with a rare cancer often feel alienated and alone because there are so few people who share their same condition. It is difficult to find others who can relate emotionally to these people. Most cancer patients find some sort of consolation in discussing their condition with others who have the same condition. Rare cancer patients have a difficult time finding others who have the same condition.

In these cases, cancer patients may be able to find a sense of community through online means such as support groups and cancer forums or blogs. Enlist the help of someone who is skilled in Internet research to find these support groups and show you how to interact with them online.

Rare forms of cancer may actually be easier to treat because they may have a single molecular genetic flaw that is common to them. However, the difficulty lies in detecting these rare cancers early, properly diagnosing the rare cancer and then seeking the a ppropriate treatment. Because the cancer is rare, it may be difficult to move through these phases quickly enough.

Consider a Clinical Trial

Lung Cancer Secrets Revealed Click here

When cancers grow in spite of treatments such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgery, it may be time to consider other alternatives such as clinical trials. Cancer treatments must go through clinical trials before they are approved for use with the general population. You can choose to be a clinical trial patient and help advance cancer research to find a cure. If you choose to become a clinical trial patient you will have to sign waivers for risk. Weigh the risks carefully!

Get Insurance Guidance

Rare cancer patients often face insurance hurdles. Ask about insurance issues when you visit your oncologist. Some insurance plans require pre-approval before they will pay for a treatment of a rare cancer. Without such pre-appr oval you and your family may be stuck with a huge financial burden as well as the burden of care.

Keep careful records of all interactions with your insurance company. Document the time, date, the representative(s) you spoke with and the results of the conversation. Request for written approvals and do as much communicating as you can in writing instead of verbally. Make audio or video recordings of your conversations (ask for permission first!) with insurance representatives.

If you can't afford treatments there may be patient assistance programs that can help you. These programs are often referred to as "compassionate care" programs. Ask about these with your oncologist. Be persistent and firm and don't give up!

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